Discovering your phone submerged in water can spark instant panic.

Every year, thousands of phones suffer from accidental swims that risk device health and data loss.

Our guide offers swift, damage-control tactics to rescue your tech treasure from a watery fate.

Dive into our tips for a safe recovery.

Recognizing Water Damage in Your Phone

If your phone has an unexpected glitch or won’t turn on, you might be dealing with water damage. Check for signs such as a flickering screen, inability to charge, distorted audio, or the presence of moisture under the display.

These are telltale indicators that water has breached your device’s defenses. It’s important to act swiftly once you notice these problems since delaying can lead to more severe issues like battery corrosion or system failure.

Examine the liquid contact indicator (LCI) if there’s one present in your phone; it turns red upon contact with water. This feature is commonly found in both Android phones and iPhones near the SIM tray or battery compartment.

Look out for fogging inside camera lenses too—it can mean that moisture has infiltrated areas where it could cause real trouble. Act promptly at any sign of trouble and keep silica gel packets handy for emergency drying scenarios—they’re far more effective than rice at pulling moisture away from sensitive electronics.

Effective Steps to Remove Water from Your Phone

Powering down your phone immediately, drying the outside with a soft cloth, and using silica gel packets for emergency drying are essential steps to take after water damage.

Power it down immediately

If your phone takes a dunk, react fast and turn it off. It’s crucial because electricity and water are a risky mix, potentially causing short circuits that can fry delicate components inside.

Don’t second guess; shut down your device to halt any electrical activity that might worsen the situation.

Next up is getting rid of moisture from the exterior before tackling what’s within. Tap or gently shake the phone to remove any visible droplets from ports like the lightning port or headphone jack.

Avoid plugging in the charger or using buttons excessively as this can push water further into your device.

After ensuring your phone’s exterior is dry, focus on removing hidden moisture with silica gel packets if they’re available – more effective than rice at drawing out dampness silently lurking inside your gadget.

Moving forward, you’ll need strategies for dealing specifically with those troublesome wet spots in common problem areas like charging ports and speakers.

Dry the outside

After powering down your phone, immediately grab a clean towel to dry the exterior. Be gentle but thorough—your goal is to absorb any moisture before it sneaks into cracks and crevices.

Tilt the phone with its ports facing downward and softly tap it against your hand. This helps dislodge water droplets that might be hiding in places like the charging port or speaker grills.

Use careful motions as you work around buttons and seams where water loves to linger. Avoid shaking or using excessive force which can push water deeper into your device, risking further damage.

Drying your phone properly sets the stage for more intensive internal drying methods, so take your time with this crucial step.

Utilize silica gel packets for emergency drying

After drying the outside of your phone, you can utilize silica gel packets for emergency drying. Silica gel is highly effective in removing moisture from electronic devices, including smartphones.

These small packets contain tiny beads that absorb water vapor and help to dry out the inside of your phone. Placing your wet phone and its components in a zip-top storage bag with several silica gel packets can aid in absorbing the lingering moisture.

If you find yourself without access to silica gel, instant rice can be used temporarily while seeking out silica gel or dehumidifying crystals. However, it’s important to remember that silica gel works more quickly and efficiently than rice in extracting moisture from a wet phone.

How to Extract Water from Specific Parts of Your Phone

Removing water from the charging port and phone speakers can be done using a combination of compressed air and careful drying techniques.

To learn more about these specific methods, keep reading for detailed instructions on how to safely extract water from your phone.

Removing water from the charging port

To remove water from the charging port of your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Power down your phone immediately to prevent any short circuits or damage caused by the moisture.
  2. Use a small amount of compressed air to blow into the charging port. This can help dislodge any remaining water droplets.
  3. Gently shake your phone to encourage water to come out of the port, but be careful not to shake it too vigorously.
  4. If the above methods don’t work, wrap a cotton swab with a thin cloth and gently insert it into the charging port to absorb any remaining moisture.
  5. Ensure that your phone is completely dry before attempting to charge it again, as moisture in the port could cause further damage if left unchecked.

Extracting water from phone speakers

If you’ve successfully dealt with water in the charging port, it’s time to address water that may have entered your phone’s speakers. Here are the necessary steps to safely extract water from your phone speakers:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner: Gently use a vacuum cleaner to suck out any trapped moisture from the speaker grills. Ensure that the nozzle is not directly touching the speakers to prevent damage.
  2. Emit unique sound: Play music or any audio file with low-frequency sounds to help push out residual water from the speakers. This can aid in expelling any remaining moisture trapped within the speaker chambers.
  3. Allow natural drying: Once you’ve mitigated as much moisture as possible, allow your phone to air-dry in a warm, dry area. Avoid using heat sources like hair dryers as excessive heat can damage the internal components of your device.
  4. Utilize desiccants: Place your phone in a sealed bag along with desiccant packets, such as silica gel or rice, allowing them to absorb any lingering moisture within the device’s enclosed spaces.
  5. Inspect for functionality: After several hours of drying, test your phone’s sound output to ensure that it is functioning properly.

How Do You Know If Your Phone Has Water Damage?

Water damage can manifest in various ways on your phone. One clear indicator is the visual presence of water or evaporation behind the screen. Corrosion marks on ports are another sign to watch out for, indicating potential water damage.

Blurry photos and videos along with muffled or distorted sound during phone calls and music playback are also telltale signs of water infiltration within your device. Furthermore, exposure to water can result in internal component damage, causing glitches and data loss.

In addition, it is important to be vigilant about any visible signs of corrosion or moisture inside the phone’s components as these could indicate lingering effects of water damage.

Regularly checking for these indicators can help catch potential issues early before they escalate into more serious problems that require extensive repairs or replacements.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Water Damage

To prevent water damage to your phone, consider the following preventive measures:

  1. Invest in a waterproof phone case to protect your device from accidental water exposure.
  2. Be mindful of where you place your phone, especially around water sources such as sinks, pools, or beverages.
  3. Regularly check for any cracks or damage to the phone’s exterior that could compromise its water resistance.
  4. Keep your phone away from humid environments and store it in a dry place when not in use.
  5. Consider using a moisture – absorbing product such as silica gel packets inside your phone case or storage area.
  6. Back up important data on your phone regularly to minimize the impact of potential water damage on valuable information.


In conclusion, taking immediate action is vital to prevent permanent damage. Turn off the phone and dry it immediately with a soft cloth. When dealing with water damage, seek professional help for proper treatment and water removal.

Remember that silica gel packets are effective in absorbing moisture from the phone without causing harm. Always handle your wet phone cautiously to avoid further complications.


1. What should I do first if my phone gets wet?

If your phone gets wet, the first thing you should try is to turn it off and remove the battery if possible.

2. Can putting my phone in rice dry it out safely?

The idea of using rice to dry out your phone is a myth; instead, keep it in a dry place and avoid charging until completely dry.

3. Are all phones water resistant, so I don’t need to worry about water damage?

Not all phones are water resistant; even those that are can still suffer from water damage under certain conditions.

4. What apps or tools should I use to get water out of my phone without causing harm?

There aren’t any applications that can remove water from your phone – the best approach is careful drying and consulting professional repair services if necessary.

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