A phone speaker submerged in water surrounded by electronic repair tools.

Water accidents happen, and a soaked phone speaker can leave your device sounding muffled or silent. It’s critical to act fast – moisture in your phone’s speaker spells trouble. My guide delivers straightforward steps to rescue and repair water damage, giving you the best shot at restoring clear sound.

Dive into our tips and let’s get that audio crystal-clear again!

Identifying Water Damage in a Phone Speaker

A close-up photo of a water-damaged phone speaker.

If you notice that your phone’s audio output is fuzzy or quieter than usual, it may be a sign that the speaker has suffered from water exposure. Sometimes, if water has seeped into the phone, you could spot droplets under the screen or moisture in the ports and gaps around buttons.

This type of damage can make sounds seem distorted or can stop them altogether as components inside start to corrode.

Another way to tell if your device might have water damage is by checking the Liquid Damage Indicator (LDI), commonly found in smartphones. For iPhones, for example, this indicator is usually located in the SIM card slot; a change in color from white to red suggests moisture contact.

Inspecting these areas closely helps determine whether internal parts might have been compromised by liquid—and if so, quick action can prevent further harm to your phone’s functionality.

Things to Avoid When Your Phone Speaker Gets Wet

A wet phone speaker with water droplets, placed away from heat sources.

Once you’ve determined that your phone speaker has water damage, it’s crucial to act with caution. The next steps can help prevent further harm to your device. Here’s a list of things you should steer clear of:

  • Resist the urge to power on your phone or use the speaker. This could lead to a short circuit or more serious damage.
  • Keep away from heat sources like hairdryers or radiators. Direct heat can warp parts and melt adhesives inside the phone.
  • Shun shaking or tapping the phone vigorously. Doing so can push water deeper into components where it can cause more harm.
  • Refrain from inserting anything into the speaker grille, such as cotton swabs or paper towels. This might compact the moisture inside and damage delicate parts.
  • Avoid plugging in your charger until the charging port is completely dry. Introducing electricity to a moist area can be dangerous and further damage your device.
  • Dismiss thoughts of using untested drying agents or methods, such as microwaving your phone, which can be disastrous.
  • Skip testing out sound functionality by playing music or videos; this could push water particles deeper into speaker crevices.


Six Steps to Fix Water Damage in Your Phone Speaker

Turn off the phone, remove visible water, use a vacuum cleaner to suck out water, play low frequency sound or use an app, dry out your phone with silica gel or rice, and seek professional service if necessary.

Want to learn more about how to repair phone speaker if dropped in water? Keep reading for additional tips and guidance!

Turn Off the Phone

The moment your phone hits the water, quick action is essential. Power it down immediately. This helps to prevent short circuits within the delicate electronics of your device. While everything inside might tempt you to check if everything’s still working, resist that urge because turning on a wet phone can cause more harm than good.

After shutting off the device, make sure you remove any cases and extract the SIM tray too. Doing so opens up additional channels for moisture escape. Keep in mind that electricity and water are a disastrous mix for gadgetscutting power right away sets you on the right path for a successful revival of your water-logged phone speaker.

Remember not to press any buttons after turning off your phone; extra pressure might push water deeper into its internals.

Remove Visible Water

Power off your phone immediately to prevent further damage. Use a clean, lint-free cloth to gently dry the visible water from the speaker area. Then, place your phone upside down on a clean cloth for 10-15 minutes to allow any remaining water to drain out.

Wipe down the speaker with a dry microfiber cloth and ensure that all visible water is removed before proceeding with the next steps for fixing water damage in your phone speaker.

If you are unable to remove all visible water using these methods, consider seeking professional service to avoid potential long-term damage or malfunction.

Use a Vacuum Cleaner to Suck out Water

Once you’ve removed as much visible water as possible and turned off your phone, using a vacuum cleaner can help to suction out any remaining moisture from the speaker. Set the vacuum on its lowest setting and gently hold it near the phone speaker, allowing it to draw out the water without causing damage.

If your vacuum has a hose attachment, this can be used for precise suction in smaller areas.

Be cautious not to place the vacuum directly against the phone’s speaker grill in order to avoid damaging delicate components. This method helps expedite the drying process and prevents potential long-term damage caused by lingering moisture inside your phone.

Play Low Frequency Sound or Use an App

To dislodge trapped water in your phone speaker, try playing low-frequency sound or use a specific app designed for this purpose. Low-frequency sound waves can help shake loose any water that is stuck inside the speaker’s crevices.

You can also use apps that generate low-frequency tones to achieve the same effect, pushing out the trapped moisture and restoring normal functionality to your phone’s speaker.

By using these methods, you can effectively address water damage in your phone’s speaker without causing further harm to the device. These simple techniques are particularly useful for iPhones, which lack a built-in method to eject water from the speaker.

Incorporating low-frequency sound or using dedicated apps into your repair process will significantly increase your chances of salvaging a water-damaged phone.

Dry Out Your Phone with Silica Gel or Rice

To dry out your phone after it has been exposed to water, silica gel is recommended over rice. Silica gel packets are better at absorbing moisture and drying out the internal components of a phone compared to instant rice.

Alternatively, crystal kitty litter can also be used as an effective method for drying out a water-damaged phone speaker.

Once you have removed visible water from the phone, placing it in a sealed bag with silica gel or crystal kitty litter will help absorb remaining moisture. This method can aid in preventing long-term damage caused by moisture exposure.

Seek Professional Service if Necessary

If the water damage in your phone speaker persists despite following the DIY steps, seeking professional service may be necessary. Professionals have the expertise and tools to thoroughly assess and repair any internal damage caused by water.

Even if you’ve successfully dried out your phone, residual moisture or corrosion may still impact its functionality. A certified technician will be able to diagnose and address these issues effectively.

In some cases, attempting to fix intricate water damage without proper knowledge and equipment can worsen the situation. Repair shops are equipped with specialized tools and methods for moisture absorption, making them well-suited for addressing complex problems related to water-damaged phone speakers.

As a next step in resolving severe water damage issues, let’s explore additional tips for iPhones and Android phones.

Additional Tips for iPhones and Android Phones (including how to eject water)

To remove water from an iPhone, download the Water Eject shortcut and emit a frequency that can expel the water from the speaker. For Android phones, utilize the Shortcuts app and download the Water Eject shortcut to effectively clean out the speaker. Follow these additional tips for both iPhones and Android phones in addressing water damage:

  1. Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe down the exterior of your phone.
  2. In a bowl, mix 70% isopropyl alcohol with 30% distilled water, lightly dampen a corner of a microfiber cloth with the solution, and carefully wipe around the edges and openings of your phone.
  3. If your phone was completely submerged, gently vacuum all creases and openings to help suck out any remaining water.
  4. Avoid using a hairdryer or putting your phone in direct sunlight as it may cause further damage to internal components.
  5. Test the speaker after performing these steps to ensure that it is functioning properly.

What to Do if Water Gets in the Charging Port?

After learning about ejecting water from iPhones and Android phones, it’s crucial to know how to deal with water inside the charging port. Here are practical steps to take if your phone’s charging port is affected by water:

  1. Gently rub the cloth inwards and soak as much moisture as possible from the charging port.
  2. Turn off your phone and allow it to air dry completely to get water out of the charging port
  3. Immediately remove the battery and gently shake out as much water as possible from the charging port.
  4. If you suspect your phone has water damage, it’s best to power it off immediately and avoid turning it on until it’s thoroughly inspected and potentially repaired.
  5. Disassemble the phone as much as possible and place it in a bag of rice for a day to fix water damage.
  6. The best way to get water out of a charging port is to wait and let it dry, or try knocking the water out by tapping the port.


In conclusion, fixing water damage in your phone speaker is manageable by following the six simple steps. As soon as you notice water damage, turn off your phone to prevent further harm.

It is important to remove any visible water and use a vacuum cleaner around the creases and openings of the device. Playing low frequency sound can help expel any remaining water from the speaker.

Lastly, ensure thorough drying using silica gel or rice before seeking professional service if necessary.


1. What should I do if my iPhone’s speaker gets water damage?

If your iPhone’s speaker suffers from water damage, act quickly by turning off the phone, drying it thoroughly, and removing any trapped moisture to prevent further harm.

2. Are there easy steps I can follow at home to fix my water-damaged Android phone speaker?

Yes! Use a soft cloth to dry your Android phone, place it in a warm area with low humidity to evaporate remaining moisture, and check Google Play Store for apps that may help remove water from speakers.

3. Can Apple Watch or other water-resistant smartphones still get damaged by water?

While devices like the Apple Watch are designed to withstand exposure to water, extreme conditions can lead them to sustain water damage that needs professional repair services.

4. If my DIY attempts fail, where should I take my iPhone XR with speaker issues caused by water?

Should home remedies not work for fixing your iPhone XR’s speaker after getting wet, visit an authorized service center where trained technicians can perform expert repairs.

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